How Easy It Is To Become Fit For Business AND Fit For Life To Be Even More Happier, Healthier and Higher Achieving!


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Fit for Business And Fit For Life Is For You If...

✅ You want a fit and health lifestyle.

You want to be seen as a well presented healthy individual.

✅ You want to free up your schedule.

You want to automate the process of feeling good.

✅ You want more confidence, more energy and more focus.

You dream of been healthier than the Mr and Mrs Average.

You strive to achieve ALL of your goals.

You believe you can truly be a better version of yourself.

✅ You don't know exactly what exercise to do or what diet you should have BUT you know you have a lot of motivation.


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WARNING: Space is limited and these LIVE trainings always fill up fast!


Here’s What You'll Learn At This World-Class Training

Please note as this a live training - timings may vary slightly.


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More Focus

What if, you get up every morning feeling fantastic. Your alarm clock goes off, you kill it whichever way you want to do, you can throw it, you can hit it, you can bounce it, you can kick it, whatever's going to happen. But that just goes down. Because you're going to get up and at it straight away. You're going in, you're brushing your teeth, you're already thinking about what's gonna be happening next, because you've got the clarity of focus. No brain fog, no more wasting time. You know what you're gonna do you know how you're gonna get it.                                               


More Energy 

Visualise you are eating and drinking in a way that supports your body and lifestyle and doesn’t take an eternity to create. Meaning that your body now has a constant supply of energy and not spikes and crashes. Making you a powerhouse of achievement and growth.

You’re showing up each and every day as the best version of you. Doing your very best for your family, friends and business, in that real heartfelt sense. As you know, you're serving them. And it's just glorious, because it brings you so much happiness.

More Productive

Imagine if you have even more clarity of mind and focus coupled with being the master of your schedule so that you are able to do more with less time, getting things done quick and done right. Smashing through goals and targets both personal and professional, setting new heights in your own aspirations as well are your business and career.


More Confidence

Picture this, you feel so amazing that your confidence increases, which is seen and appreciated by those you meet. Meaning you are able to have more effective conversations and increase the likelihood people will want to work with you! You are leading by example and positively effecting those around you, improving their lives, their work and the your business!


Enjoyable Aging

Envisage you create a lifestyle that supports you, your family and your business? Meaning you are creating great habits that build you up and doesn’t tear you down. Where you enjoy quality time with your family and friend and your are there to support them, laugh with them, live with them and love them with your whole being.

Do you feel that could give you a better chance of achieving those great plans?


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Why you may want to become more Fit for Business AND Fit for Life? 

You are a busy professional or overweight business owner or consultant looking to be fit for business and fit for life, fast and forever, with a healthier, happier, and higher-achieving lifestyle.

You want to have more energy, more confidence and more focus each and every day.

You dream of gaining the fitness and lifestyle you desire, even if you spend most of your life in meetings or driving a laptop.

Perhaps you’ve tried the rigid exercise and diet programmes before finding they don’t fit your lifestyle or work pattern, you need something that will fit into your schedule.

May be you’re tired of feeling tired, out of breath or exhausted. Having to buy from the limited choices in the large and above sections in clothes stores, hiding your body away and feeling socially uncomfortable, not being able to join in activities with others and feeling isolated at times.

Possibly you already know you won’t stick to eating only boiled chicken and broccoli for life, or having to open your packed lunch container only to have everyone believe you’ve farted, or worse realise you left it in the car so it now smells like someone has died!

Potentially you can’t stand the thought of enduring hours of mindless cardio or attending a boot camp or fitness class where you sweat loads and feel beaten up after each session as you don’t have the time anyway!

Conceivably you are fed up with having to sacrifice your health just because you are away on yet another business trip AND unable to follow your normal routine!

It could be you have had enough of spending even more time you don’t have through trial and error before you start to see results.

Perchance you don’t have the time or will to be sifting through the countless scientific, medical and pseudo-scientific information on the internet to find out what may or may not work.

You want to know the fastest method to gaining the fitness and lifestyle you desire, without the lotions, potions, pills and fads that you already know or suspect don’t work, no matter how much you wished they did.

You need something that adapts to your situation providing flexibility and freedom along with results.

You long for a way to shorten the time to results from years to weeks, without the yo-yo of losses then gains, of weight, fat and fitness.

You aspire to having confidence and control in the choices life presents, so you can still achieve the results you want and a life you enjoy.

Register Now For FREE Below! 

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Why is it FREE?

For total transparency, the Fit for Business and Fit for Life webinar is FREE to attend because once you know what the 6 pillars of success did for me and others, you may want to attend one of our  courses to help achieve your health, fitness and lifestyle goals. In which we would be delighted to work with you more closely.

However, you do not need to buy any of our courses. In fact, we actualy encurage you attend this FREE virtual webinar presentation, take down useful notes and implement our techniques into your lifestyle right now. It will help you rapidly increase you Passion, Energy and Focus in ALL areas of your life!


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About Your Host:

Martin Sharp is a multi-award-winning international consultant, coach, speaker and author.

At age 43, his working lifestyle led him to weigh 154kg/340lb with a 54"/137cm waist. However, by age 45, he weighed just 94kg/207lb with a 32"/81cm waist.

He now specialises in transforming busy and overweight business owners and consultants into fitter, happier and more confident.
As a business transformation consultant since 1993 working, with corporates on major changes ranging from $16bn digital asset transfers, £15bn airport purchases, to £1bn-£2bn growth structures and many multi-million improvement programmes.

Martin understands the unique challenges faced by busy professionals and why up until this point, it has not been easy to fit health into their lifestyle.

What lights Martin up more than anything is the joy he hears as others enjoy newfound freedom, confidence and happiness from health and fitness.


Martin Sharp At The Professional Speakers Academy Awards

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Proof That Using A Business Body Blueprint Makes You Fit For Business And Fit for Life...



Starting Point: 4 1/2 years unable to play his beloved sport of tennis due to a previous injury.

What we did together: Recognise what he truly valued then pinned his change to his highest value. Working on his meals, movement and moderation.

Where are they now: Soon after he was able picked up his Tennis Racket and played 3 sets for 2 hours just for fun, much to the astonishment of his friends.



Starting Point: Busy mum of 3 children and director of 2 businesses, juggling commitments at home and with her companies, she rarely if ever finds time for herself.  Her weight had ballooned, resulting in joint pain and a negative self-image.

What we did together: Worked out what her specific calorie intake should be, and how great preparation could create time for her.

Where are they now: Within 6 months she'd smashed her ambition of being able to run 10km along with dropping 0.5kg weight on average per week consistently without it feeling like a chore.



Starting Point: Busy working professional and family man putting himself last, weight crept up to 84kg and could no longer run.

What we did together: Established the foundations relating the goal, timeframe, time & equipment availability, commitment levels, lifestyle & balance, we can then begin to construct the training plan & cardio considerations.

Where are they now: Mark preserved with consistency and within 12 weeks he dropped 10.4kg to 73.6kg then further to 68kg with his energy is off the charts and running marathons again.



Starting Point: A successful entrepreneur who has built a fruitful recurring 6 figure business, though after a significant shoulder injury put him out of action for training for over a year, James became concerned at his expanding waistline.

What we did together: Provided more knowledge on making more healthy choices and how to incorporate these into his busy, yet satisfying, work & life.

Where are they now: James has now scheduled time for himself and actively takes a brisk walk of more than 10,000 steps every day. And is no longer a stranger to the gym and is making the most of his membership.


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Starting Point: A successful entrepreneur for over 12 years since leaving the armed forces, with an expanding waist line and lack of energy, which was affecting all areas of his life.

What we did together: Provided structure and accountability to achieve his goal with more energy and focus.

Where are they now: He picked up his passion for running again, stopped drinking alcohol and is benefiting from the health and financial benefits, saving thousands of pounds.



Starting Point: Very busy Middle School and secondary school teacher in France not fitting in time for his health.

What we did together: Happy to join the classes that are very straight to the point, focused and efficient, tailored to busy people who want to just get on it and do it and move.

Where are they now:  Very eager to get up and have a coffee and jump to it with his sports kit on to start the day.



Starting Point: Training was sporadic , he had a gym membership though only went once in a while and ran whenever he felt like it, though that feeling wasn't often.

What we did together: No Nonsense training plan getting right to working every day from Monday to Friday to build a routine.


Where are they now: Jason has great motivation and structure to be able to know that at least one workout per day during the week is done and has taken up team sports again.



Starting Point: His high stress, jet-set lifestyle and being a loving family man, meant that he continued to put himself last, resulting in his weight increasing to 99kg, body fat increase and feeling his mental strength, clarity, focus, concentration, and productivity significantly decrease, affecting all areas of his life.

What we did together: Created consistency in his everyday lifestyle, getting out of bed each day with his first focus on himself first, keeping his concentration up and repelling the drive to put it off until tomorrow..

Where are they now: He has now incorporated meals that support him, exercise where ever he is in the world and time to relax, recuperate and recover for himself as well as enjoying the time with is family guilt free.

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Starting Point: Coping with a young family, establishing a new business and the ever present money worries, the stress in James life was piling on top of the effects of years of partying, working hard and generally taking his body for granted.

What we did together: Implement strategies for juggling the many demands on his time and cost effective/efficient (economically friendly) methods to work with a tight budget.

Where are they now:  His favourite change was having to buy a new dinner suit for the Professional Speakers Academy awards night because his old one didn’t fit anymore, and the many comments that came that evening from people saying how good he was looking. Radiating more happiness, health and confidence.



Starting Point: After the birth of her first child, this busy entrepreneur found that the gestational weight gain was not shifting and to make matters worse found that post-ankle surgery was restricting movement.

What we did together: Not only to look at a single number on the scales, like a business consider other KPI's such as how she felt, how much energy she has, how confident she is and what her stress levels are like.

Where are they now: Quickly dropping dress sizes to a 12 then a 10. Feeling fabulous in herself, by finding new ways to keep herself mentally focused. Took up cycling and joining in team sports again. Knowing exactly how taking care of herself first helps her perform better for her son, for her family and for her business.


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