Colin Luthardt




Colin Lotard, the founder of Its Four Sides, a company dedicated to coaching, training, and developing business leaders and professionals for success in today’s virtual business world, faced a career plateau. After years of delivering training and coaching within large organizations, helping managers and sales professionals enhance their skills, he felt his personal and professional growth had stagnated.

“I was responsible for an internal sales academy, and while I was teaching others, I found myself needing to develop my own skills, particularly as a speaker. My career was leveling out, and I was unsure of the next step.”


Colin sought a way to evolve into a more effective speaker and coach. That’s when he came across Martin and his Speaker Academy. What drew Colin to Martin wasn’t just his technical and business expertise, but his holistic approach to personal development.

“What I liked about working with Martin was his wide-ranging knowledge. He has a deep understanding of business, technology, life, and health. He became an invaluable sounding board for my ideas, something I desperately needed at the time.”


With Martin’s guidance, Colin was able to find his voice as a speaker and build the inner confidence to express his ideas clearly and authentically—without hiding behind slides and animations. Through this journey, he transformed into a more effective speaker, trainer, and coach.

“Martin helped me to develop the confidence to speak proudly about my own insights, without relying on PowerPoints and flashy presentations. Thanks to him, I’ve become the speaker, trainer, and coach I am today.”


“If you’re considering working with Martin, I highly recommend taking that step. He can guide you on a transformative journey to become the best business professional you can be.”

Mark Pitcher 



Being a busy working professional and having a family can be a lot to juggle, meaning you can end up putting yourself last. This is what happened to Mark, who used to love running marathons and being very active, though in recent years, he found that his weight had crept up to 84kg, his energy was low, and his belly was getting big.

Plus, he didn’t fancy doing any running and was really starting to feel his age.


After trying local boot camps, which were fun though not always regular, and trying to exercise on his on, though any not always regular, Mark was wondering what other options may work.

Being a man who liked to look at the facts, data and evidence, he reached out for a conversation “Well, Martin, you are living proof, your own evidence. Your photos from a few years ago when you carried a lot of weight compared to now you are now is your own proof that it works. Plus you are very relatable, having a busy life with family, children and your own business. How do you do it?”

“It is more than just eating less and moving more, Mark, it is about understanding what you truly value, learning more about how your body works and then crafting a lifestyle that helps you achieve it and keep it, long term.”


It wasn’t easy to start with. While his family was supportive, they had to get used to changes to eating habits and movements, switching out overeating and poor food choices for food that help support and build.

Then there were all the learned myths and misinformation that needed to be replaced with facts and proof, feeling like studying a course as much as it did losing weight and building muscle.

Though Mark did preserve and within 12 weeks he dropped 10.4kg to 73.6kg and his energy is off the charts and so much better.

He started playing football with his little boy every day along with joining the “dads” team at the local club.

He moves up and down the stairs quicker, and I get more done and generally has fuller, more productive days, feeling so much happier.

Plus, Mark has started running again and competes regularly in 10k’s, half marathons and marathons, just for the fun of it.

What he learned was, it's the process. moreover, he fell in love with that process, not just the results. And if you can do the same, then it will change your life.



Read more about Mark's fascinating and heartwarming story today at from the link below:

Checkout the article today

Frank Soonies


After 20 years as a successful tennis pro, Frank turned his attention to tennis coaching, training many athletes from all across Europe on both winning technique and more importantly a winning mindset.

The thing was that the hours that he used to spend keeping fit and training himself now went to training others.

After over 15 years in coaching and without taking care of his body, the day came where he picked up a racket to compete again and disaster struck in the form of pulled muscles and torn ligaments.

You see while Frank still believed he was fit and healthy, his body was saying otherwise.


Frank went to see specialists and many therapists, trying over 200 different treatments over 4 ½ years, without being able to play his beloved sport.

Each didn’t solve the underlying problem, that being his physical fitness. He knew he had to solve this and set out to find a coach to help him.

What didn’t help matters further was on the week he started with the coach the global pandemic hit, meaning he was unable to perform more than a single session.

Thinking that was it until the lockdowns were over, Frank was curious to see if online coaching could help him.


It wasn’t easy, as Frank only had access to limited equipment and household items that he had at home.

By working out a 5 day exercise regime which separated cardio from resistance training and targeting specific muscles on separate days so they obtained the maximum benefit, Frank implemented each one with consistency and persistence.

Within a couple of weeks Frank's wife Carolien noticed a difference in Frank’s appearance.

Soon after he was able picked up his Tennis Racket and played 3 sets for 2 hours just for fun, much to the astonishment of his friends.

And within a 5 months had dropped below 100kg for the first time in over 20 years!

Though he is most happy at training with Carolien who joins him during the workouts.

That said, I know Frank won’t mind me saying that he is now working on dropping below 95kg and can’t wait to challenge his friends on the court again.  

It is not always about weight loss, body fat, muscle size and image.

In fact, for many people adopting a fit and healthy lifestyle is more to do with how they feel and what they can do.

Which is why it is so amazing, that it gives me that “Ready brek” glow inside, when we receive feedback such as this from Frank.

Just joining in the morning AB Fit at home virtual training for 2 weeks and already seeing a better result in a sport that he loves.

Looking forward to hearing more top results from your future tennis matches Frank


"It was a great talk, Martin priceless, thank you so much"

Jason Gardner



Jason Gardner and I'm a photographer based in Paris.

Before the classes my training was sporadic. I had a gym membership but I went once in a while. I did running once in a while whenever I felt like it.


The classes are fun. It's 30 minutes of workout, it's No Nonsense. We get right to it, we do a warm-up, and then we do four sets of a workout every day from Monday to Friday.


They work for me greatly because I know that in the morning every day from Monday to Friday, there will be a class. It provides me with great motivation and structure, knowing that I’m going to get at least one workout per day during the week.

My life has changed since joining the classes for sure. Two things: number one, I'm definitely healthier; and number two, I'm more confident in doing the exercises even when not in class because I have a better understanding of the technique.


What I would say to anyone considering joining the classes is that the classes are fun, Martin is really approachable, and he's very knowledgeable about the exercises. He'll meet you at a level where you're comfortable.

I would definitely say it's worth the investment because you're investing in your own health and creating a structure that works for you and your time. It's very focused and efficient. You can basically come in and come out whenever you like.

The best thing about being part of the classes for me is that it's a great baseline for my workouts during the week. I know it's always going to be there and that it’s going to change up frequently, all while staying focused on my health.

 James Dewane


James is a successful entrepreneur who has built a fruitful recurring 6 figure business. As an electrician no longer “on the tools”, he found his niche teaching electricians and trades, how to market and attract clients local to them. This suits his lifestyle, allowing him ample time with his family and in learning new skills in this fast moving area of business, around digital marketing.

After a significant shoulder injury put him out of action for training for over a year, James became concerned at his expanding waistline. He knew he had to make some changes in his life, as he became more and more sedentary. He didn’t want it to affect his time with friends, family or his business community of Toolboxers, his clients.

The problem was Personal Trainers were unable to assist or provide any meaningful help as he has no desire to bulk up or improve his strength.

He tried to diet, although found that cheat days those he wasn’t following the diet became any of those ending in Y, he was having more cheat days than normal days.

“And who really has time for the calorie counting demanded by the more popular diet programmes.” he’d exclaim Those quickly disappeared from his radar.


After talking with James, the thing was he needed more knowledge on making more healthy choices and how to incorporate these into his busy, yet satisfying, work & life. He needed to have the ability to get his questions answered to support his understanding and in making the healthy choices.

So James loaned his lifestyle improvements from his passion to support his community of clients and spend time actively with his family.


By helping James set clear outcomes and taking responsibility for his health and fitness, along with providing a custom exercise and meal plans, the path was set. I answered lots of questions to make sure he received the right information when he needed, not just the once per week as he’d previously had, to make sure that positive habits formed, and during his weekly check-ins we tracked his progress identifying areas of his life that were holding him back from achieving his desired outcome.

James has now scheduled time for himself and actively takes a brisk walk of more than 10,000 steps every day. And is no longer a stranger to the gym and is making the most of his membership.

He now knows when he is consuming foods that could affect his progress. And makes better choices for himself. Like, he no longer grabs the cans of Red Bull when at the service station or reaches for chocolate bars just because they are there. Helping him drop ½kg per week on average.

Although the change he is most proud of it that he is feeling much happier, healthier and hunkier.

Jahraaf Magatte "Mags"



Hi, my name is Jahraaf Magatte. I teach in Middle School and secondary school kids here in France. Before the classes, I used to go jogging twice a week and cycling.


I was very happy to join the classes. I would say they are very straight to the point, very focused, very efficient, and tailored to people like me—busy people who want to just get on it, do it, and move. As I’m very busy and wanted something that helps me start quickly, Martin, our coach, is really, really good at that.


The classes are wonderful. They are just what I was looking for. I would say it helped me do activities I would have never done before. I am now very eager to get up, have a coffee, and jump into my workout gear to join the classes.

Martin has great expertise, and he knows how to explain, show, and guide us through the exercises. They are really very good workouts.


It is definitely worth the investment. It kickstarts your day and helps you keep fit, so that’s enough reason to join the classes. Martin is a very good coach, and he's got a sense of humor that adds a fun spin on top of it. Being part of the classes is great because you get to speak to different people, and it's very flexible. If you can't join in, you don't have to worry.

Don’t have second thoughts because the next time you come, it’s as if you were there the day before. It’s very friendly, very straightforward, and exactly what I was looking for. It's perfect for people like me who don't have enough time but want to keep fit. It's really good.

Sarah Sharp


Sarah is a busy mum of 3 children and director of 2 business. Between juggling commitments at home and with her companies, she rarely if ever finds time for herself. While she never describes herself as sporty, she previously enjoyed hill walking, canoeing and cycling when she had the time.

The problem being her weight had ballooned, resulting in joint pain and a negative self-image, meaning she is shying away from some social engagements, which had impacted her businesses as well as her family activities. For example, the kids now call her to grumble mum.


She tried Weight Watchers and while she adopted the meals, the family wouldn’t eat them and she couldn’t cope with all the calorie counting.

Her exercising with a personal trainer was great, however, after a busy week, she was too exhausted to then go voluntarily for a gruelling beating of an hours’ worth of constant sweating and near blackout exhaustion.

In despair and disappointment with her results, she resigned to herself that she should never climb mountains again.

We discussed what her motivation was to change and her aspiration, clearly defining what her desired outcome was and why it was so important to her. Then we explored how great preparation could create time for her, which will lay the foundations for change. And she committed to giving it a try.


We worked together on ensuring there were clear times reserved in her diary, so from the start she knew what was needed, when and for how long. Then made sure that she knew what was expected with a clear exercise, meal plan along with what needed to be purchased.

Supported by these easy to follow systems that didn’t feel like another chore and personalised coaching, she was fuelled by newfound confidence, Sarah made small changes carving out time for herself and while this may only seem like a small win to some, it was a massive boost as she’d spent 20 years putting others before herself. Getting out hillwalking at least monthly and incorporating healthy nutrition and exercise into her life.

This became the spark that ignited the fire. Within 6 months she’d smashed her ambition of being able to run 10km along with dropping 0.5kg weight on average per week consistently without it feeling like a chore.

And now she is running over 50 miles per month and has set targets of toning up through body composition changes. Although my proudest moment is seeing how happy she is and enthused with life.

Tracey Jones


Tracey is an amazing go-getting businesswoman who values her own fitness, friends, and family. However, coming out of a bad relationship with a narcissistic husband along with the loss of her dad had not only knocked her confidence, but the restrictions that had been placed on her lifestyle, along with the menopause had also resulted in an increase in weight, significant joint pain and a lack of energy.

Adding onto this, having to spend a lot of time looking after her aging parents and relatives, meaning that her own self-care had slipped off the radar.


While still getting out walking, especially along the gorgeous coastal and cliff-top paths near her home aiming to get in 10,000 steps, the odd cold-water swim and when can attending a local spin class, Tracey was finding that the lack of consistency along with not eating well was holding her back. And it was being noticed as she would often have to have an afternoon snooze, just to get through the day.

With a summer ball in the diary 3 months away, Tracey had her sights on losing 6kg and being able to dance at least a little.

After a recommendation to have a conversation, Tracey and I discussed how she would prefer to be instead. Realising that with a bit of knowledge, some accountability and carving some time out for her own self-care, some significant changes could be made quickly.


It wasn’t easy. Tracey first of all had a holiday with friends booked. Then had family engagements, weddings and other events to work around. And bouts of illness herself as well as dealing with those of her elderly relatives. Let alone running a full-time business.

Though she was determined to succeed, to become a fitter version of herself again, one where her biological age can be younger than her chronological age, with more energy and being a role model to other women with strength in body, mind and business.

Little by little the changes started. Firstly adapting to putting herself first, understanding her boundaries and what is acceptable and not what is not. Starting to work on eating better and working out from home, coupled with getting fantastic support from her mum, she lost her first 3kg within a month.

Changes to eating were not always easy, as finding the balance between taste, ease, and nutrition is a challenge, especially when you have a sensitive stomach, though determined to make this work, we found real food methods to keep things on target, dropping another 5kg.

Then with her confidence growing, Tracey stepped back into the gym, wanting to progress even more, to build more muscle and improve her overall tone, dropping 10kg in total over 3 months, in time for the summer ball.

Now feeling fabulous, more confident and with the knowledge to keep progressing even further.


James W


Coping with a young family, establishing a new business and the ever present money worries, the stress in James life was piling on top of the effects of years of partying, working hard and generally taking his body for granted.

The general mid-life plumage seemed to be settling in around his waist and with it brought tiredness, poor concentration and focus, plus lack of energy along with noticeable aches and pains that made moving demotivating.

Overall James had a feeling of being sad, unlovable and worthless, wanting to hide away from the world and finding many distractions that were hampering his progress in many areas of life.


James was lucky enough to already know the value of healthy eating, having studied and worked as a raw food and longevity superfood chef. Plus with his coaching practice he consistently helps clients understand the necessity to be kind to themselves, putting their health and wellbeing front and centre in their lives.

The thing was, while he knew this and helps so many others, he couldn’t seem to apply the same practices to himself.

After meeting up with James at a speaking event in London, we had a conversation where he recounted the struggles and lack of motivation.

“So why is it that you want to change James? What is it that you value the most?”

“I want to live longer and be active for my wife and son. I want to be there for them for a long time!”


James passion for his family is clear, providing clear motivation and a beacon to keep him focused, knowing that if he didn’t look after himself, he couldn’t be there for his young son and amazing wife.

Though it wasn’t easy as both money and time were tight. James was constantly finding it hard to juggle the many demands on his time and would find his attention being dragged back to work as the timescales of others were impacting his own.

Little by little, things started to change.

James took up eating within a meal plan, and picked up a home bench with weights to workout from home. Fitting things in around his busy work schedule and time with his loving family, though making sure he was scheduling time for himself. And soon found himself feeling better in himself, more focused and with a feeling of energy.

He continued to learn and adapt, finding time for sprint intervals as an alternative to a good walk to improve his cardiovascular performance and started to see his stomach shrinking and muscles being more pronounced.



Matt was increasingly aware of his expanding waist line and lack of energy, which was affecting all areas of his life. A successful entrepreneur for over 12 years since leaving the armed forces, he was dismayed by what he saw was available for supporting service personnel transitioning to civvy street. He set himself a life goal to start to help share some of the positive stories and well-trodden pathways that many ex-service people had used. 

The thing was, just like his fitness he wasn’t doing anything about it.


When I met Matt, he didn’t know where to start.

After talking through his aspiration for what he had in mind, it was clear that more structure and accountability was needed to achieve his goal and along with more energy and focus.

All of which were skills that he had while in the army and that he used with his clients in his business, yet with the pressure of business was no longer applying to his own life.


After planning out what was necessary and scheduling in the time, it wasn’t long before Matt was finding the increase in movement through exercise and dog walking gave him space to think and formulate the content for his book.

Through feedback in weekly online discussion sessions and his own reflective work in the weekly check-in, Matt not only got clear direction on how he could continue to improve his health, fitness and life goal, he was also starting to recognise patterns and finding changes he needed to make for himself.

Utilising the easy to follow nutrition and exercise reference, he found that even while working away from home, he was able to adapt his training and meals so that he continued to improve week on week.

He picked up his passion for running again and with that the momentum was set for further success.

Realising there were other aspects of his life he was unhappy with, we continued to work on on his nutrition. Now he has been dry since 2019 after, stopping drinking alcohol and benefiting from the health and financial benefits.

Matt has also achieved one of his life goals and is now a published author of his own book Worlds Apart – Understand your past, navigate your future and supports a growing community of ex-military personnel transitioning to civilian life, alongside his existing business and still improving his health and fitness daily.

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