The Speakers Journey : Amplifying Your Voice - Volume 2
Apr 28, 202313 Authors share their fears, challenges and triumphs of how they conquered the stage. Some were born to do it. Some stepped into their greatness and some know it's a necessary skill for their success journey...
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This book is co-authored by Martin Sharp
The Accidental Speaker
Some people are born great. Some have greatness thrust upon them. And others open their mouths and have to rise to the challenge. The question is which one are you? Come to think of it which one am I?
Let me take you back to a cold wet grey morning in early January 2014, and you find me sitting in another corporate meeting room in Uxbridge, just outside London in the UK. You know the type of meeting room with a horseshoe style layout of light oak wooden desks for up to 10 people, though you can always squeeze 12 in like today easily, those uncomfortable grey padded chairs without casters and with everyone facing the large black LCD screen at the opening, slowly being tortured with death by PowerPoint by who can only be surmised as the world’s most boring grey haired, balding and overweight man, Wild Bill, in his ill-fitting double-breasted dark grey suit on his marathon tour to cure chronic insomniacs, as he drones on in a monotone nasally American voice adding barely more value than reading the slides on information that could have easily been read in 10 minutes and really didn’t need a 90-minute meeting to convey, though he clearly likes the sound of his own voice. The airless room is filled with the pungent smell of office workers, stale coffee and recirculated air. The blank, vacant zombie-like looks on all those who are in attendance, everyone trying to avoid eye contact and no one daring to yawn. Though visibly relieved as the presentation draws to its conclusion, which could be paraphrased as “well we don’t know what to do or where to start” only put in more flowery corporate language...