New Years Resolutions in November! Have I gone mad?

fitness & lifestyle sharpfitforlife Sep 06, 2021

Maybe, the thing is while thinking over what will be happening in December I came quickly to the conclusion that this year is going to be a lot quieter, fewer people meeting up, fewer Christmas parties and no after-work drinks.

While at first, it sounds quite depressing and certainly not full of festive cheer. Yet when you think about it every issue has an opportunity, maybe the possibility here is to get a jump start on changing your health?

This year is possibly the best year yet to make that commitment and not fall foul of the failing New Years Resolution.

And here is why:

1) Fewer parties means that there will be fewer temptations. We’ve all been told that if there are more calories in than there are calories out (aka exercise), then we start looking like Santa. If we don’t eat the extra calories in the first place, we’re already one giant leap closer.

2) With fewer parties and less party food, you can choose to eat healthier as well, without the additional sugars, fats or processed additives. You’ll know exactly what has gone into your meals so you can start to build powerful habits.

3) It may be that you are working from home or certainly not travelling as much. Therefore you could use some of that extra time to working on yourself. To eat well, move more and get that rest, recovery and recuperation that your body needs.

4) Speaking of travelling, you could always keep the calorie-dense food at the shops. If you really want that snickers, beer or pastry, then you’ll have to go out and get one. Just makes it a little bit harder to break the good habits you are creating.

5) Start working on your reason why you want to change before making that New Years resolution. Because if you don’t pin your transformation to your highest value, the reason you get out of bed each day, then it is less likely that you will achieve it.

If you want to know how to make a start, then book a free Health and Lifestyle Consultation call