Performance ¦ Prosperity ¦ Passion

A rare mix of Performance Prosperity & Passion

Helping individuals and organisations survive and thrive in todays modern high intensity world

Sharp Fit For Life

Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching

It's not just about transforming your physique, it's about transforming your life!

Astute Consulting

Business Consulting & Coaching

The biggest part of  business transformation is changing the way we think.

Sharp Authorities

Author & Speaking Coach

You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.

Martin’s fundraiser for RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution

January 2024 I promised to support my wife achieve one of her bucket list items of running a 10k race, by running it with her, especially as the event is happening on her birthday this year and in our home city of York.

The thing is I am not a runner, suffer with asthma and need to learn how to overcome both of these with just over 6 months of training.

The Jane Tomlinson Run For All York 10k has been described as one of the country’s most beautiful city runs. Since its launch in 2009, the event has also grown into one of Yorkshire’s most popular 10Ks offering runners the unique opportunity to race through the heart of this wonderful city.

The route starts and finishes in Knavesmire Road, close to York Racecourse. It then takes in some of the city’s most historic landmarks, including the ancient city walls, Clifford’s Tower and the minster.

The atmosphere will be electric from start to finish.

The Jane Tomlinson Appeal helps children to be happier and healthier and improves the lives of people living with cancer.

However, for the past few years we've been raising money for the RNLI because as canoeists and lovers of the water, having people there just in case these is a problem provides confidence that support will be there if needed.

You see, too many people are still drowning. More than ever we need the RNLI’s help. As a charity, the RNLI depends on our donations so it can go on saving lives and keeping us and our loved ones safe.

RNLI lifesavers are our lifeline. They’re the lifeboat crews who provide 24-hour search and rescue right around the UK and Ireland. The lifeguards keeping watch on 240 of the busiest beaches in the UK and Channel Islands. And the RNLI safety teams and educators working tirelessly to stop people getting into trouble in the first place.

Thank you.

Give Now

Martin Sharp’s Wellbeing Journey:

How to have a healthy New Year and beyond

The feature was aired on Talk Leeds (formerly Leeds TV  -Freeview TV) and is now available on the Yorkshire Evening Post Facebook page -

and it is also on



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We made it!

Andy, @dominic2k1 and I just completed another incredible adventure, raising money for a valuable part of the UK Coastline, walking the Cleveland Way, a national route, which is recommended to be completed in 9 days, however, we completed it in 5! This was definitely a challenging experience, especially after developing large blisters on day 1, I think painful would be an understatement😅
The idea was to walk 109 miles (the length according to the books)  however we calculated 128.7 miles, an average of almost a marathon a day! Such an amazing journey, feeling accomplished😎
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution are a charity that saves lives at sea. Powered primarily by donations, the @rnli was founded in 1824 and has since grown to operate from 238 lifeboat stations and 220 beach lifeguard units. Since opening its doors the organisation has saved 143,900+ lives, in 2021 408 lives were saved by the brave operational crew, 97% of which, are volunteers...
RNLI lifesavers are our lifeline. They’re the lifeboat crews who provide 24-hour search and rescue right around the UK and Ireland. Their lifeguards keep watch on 240 of the busiest beaches in the UK and the Channel Islands. And the RNLI safety teams and educators working tirelessly to stop people from getting into trouble in the first place.
Too many people are still drowning. More than ever we need the RNLI’s help. As a charity, the RNLI depends on our donations so it can go on saving lives and keeping us and our loved ones safe.

To Donate or for more information Visit:

Donate to the RNLI Today
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Sharp Fit for Life Helping People & Organisations

Losing 13kg has been transformative not only for my body – but for my mind

Read the article online at

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in getting up every time we do." ~ Confucius

Please get in touch to explore how to improve your Life and Business

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12 Week Online Coaching

In this insightfull profesioanal online 12 week coaching program, Martin Sharp works along side you to become the best, healthiest & strongest version of yourself. During your initial consultation, we will analyse your goals along with the drivers and values behind them. Discover what may have tripped you up in the past and put in place measures so they won't stop you in the future. Uncover your deepest values and learn proven mindset techniques to keep you focused and on target. You will discover the 6 implementation guide used by Martin to neglect failure & get Fit For Life.

Read More about the 12 Week Online Catching

What others are Saying

Checkout just  a few of the testimonials & case studies from out clients after following the Sharp Fit Flexibility, Fun freedom Training Program

"A true inspiration, real life and live
motivator!" - M J Maher

"Your fitness program has been
awesome and the results are
amazing!" - A Arter

"Thanks for being an inspirational
part of my journey bro!" - V Babber

"Very friendly, very straight forward!"
- Magx

"Really approachable and he's very
knowledgeable!" - J Gardner

"I just genuinely say that Martin
Sharp is absolutely such an
amazing person trainer" - B Heller

"The best thing has been today,
while with the kids, I managed to
do a full set of monkey bars, very
awesome" - P Manville

"Absolutely love what you did in the
last months and the determination
to make it happen" - B Georgieva

Check-out more Client Testimonials & Case Studies

Coaching & Mentoring

While working with many of my clients it became apparent that there was a need for some of them to have one-to-one guidance. So I now offer my services to a select number of clients, as a IT Leadership Expert.

For your business or company, the service I office is like having a IT executive come in to help you create a strategy, and plan, for your marketing, helping you to save money on wasted initiatives and building a sustainable environment for continuous improvement.

For the individual, it is having that trusted 2nd opinion, the 2nd pair of eyes and career confidant. A coach and mentor to help you improve your skills, reach your goals and avoid the mistakes of others.

Trying to grow a business or enhance your career can be stressful and time-consuming, but the result of working with me as a coach & mentor means the client has the confidence to take measured risks to increase revenue, capitalise on identified opportunities and get others to drive it forwards with them so

Read More about Coaching & Mentoring

Public Speaker

One of the reasons I love speaking is that it can reach more people.

Public speaking is an important skill in any professional field. It’s also an important skill for anyone trying to make their voice heard. 

Speaking well can be a potent tool for personal growth and development, and it can help you develop your confidence in ways that you never thought possible.

Being able to speak well in public will:

  • Improve your personal and professional reputation.
  • Increase your influence in decision making processes.
  • Help you to gain the trust and respect of others.
  • Provide an increase in personal confidence and self esteem.
  • Enable you to be seen as an expert in your field.
  • Help you to stand out from the crowd and be memorable
    • and many many more 
Read More about Public Speaking

Digital Leadership & Small Business Growth

Transformation & Consultancy

I have worked in the IT industry since 1993 and have developed an eclectic variety of skills in management and strategy along with a breadth and depth of technical knowledge and experience. Clients have described me as ‘Knowledgeable, personable, refreshing, unbiased, diligent, help!‘ ‘A breath of fresh air in a world where IT complexity often seems to create as many challenges as it solves.’

As an Enterprise Architect, IT Solutions & Technology Consultant, I believe in being an enthusiastic leader, helping companies to structure their IT so that it becomes a business enabler not a barrier to communication & growth.

What others are saying & Testimonials

My Story

I am Martin Sharp, the founder of SHARP Fit and a business consultant, enterprise architect and strategic thinker. I have been told that I consistently bring simplicity and clarity to the most complex issues since 1993. I help businesses navigate the multifaceted and ever-changing landscape, where my pragmatic solutions deliver change and realise business benefit within every organisation, every time.

My clients have described me as 'Knowledgeable, personable, refreshing, unbiased, diligent, help! '‘A breath of fresh air in a world where complexity often seems to create as many challenges as it solves.'

The Problem

The problem was this left no time for me. In fact, factoring in time with the wider family, keeping up with friends and walking the dog, my own self-care and personal development was pushed so far down the priority list it barely registered.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it takes a shock for you to take action? 

Read About My Full Story

As Featured